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Special productions


    Specially designed for blowing Jetrock 2 and Rockair 2 rock wool from the ROCKWOOL® brand, this new blowing machine represents the pinnacle of our expertise and our commitment to quality and efficiency.


      The blowing machine specially designed for blowing Knauf Insulation glass wool. Perfect for blowing Supafil Loft and Thermo Loft.

      KI BREATH 2+

        Comfortable blowing with its tray specially designed for Knauf Insulation glass wool.


          FOR MORE INFORMATION, go to This versatile carder has an improved loading platform as well as a radio remote control, essential equipment for experienced designers. The JetSpray All In One Thermal solution… Read more "GM2+

          compact 3

            FOR MORE INFORMATION, go to Machine No. 1 on the market and best-selling in France, it is personalized in the colors of KNAUF INSULATION and is designed for blowing and… Read more "compact 3

            TWISTER 2

              The most powerful three-phase 400 V carder in blowing and insufflation compatible with all insulating products on the market. Isol'r responds to specific requests dedicated to insulation in… Read more "TWISTER 2

              MINIJET SP

                The MINIJET SP machine is intended for wet spraying and insulation of fibreglass, rock, cellulose, and low density sprayable products etc. A… Read more "MINIJET SP


                  The GM 2 has been unanimously recognized as the benchmark multi-purpose machine for many years by the entire profession. It allows very substantial throughputs for all… Read more "GM2


                    The iTarn process is an external thermal insulation system produced in situ under ventilated cladding EXCLUSIVELY COMPATIBLE WITH ISOL INTERNATIONAL MATERIAL. iTarn insulation is made of mineral wool… Read more "ITARN